6 Journal prompts to explore your Inner Gold

6 Journal prompts to explore your Inner Gold

Being truly seen is not some ‘visibility strategy’ you can buy for $27. It’s a deep exploration into the gifts your true self is here to bring.

It’s made much more challenging because we’ve spent most of our lives being taught to conceal, to protect, to hide.

Many of us have traumas and/or past life knowledge that showing our True Self to the world is dangerous.

Maybe you’ve learned that your True Self is too much - too loud, too soft, too shy, too big, too messy, too sensitive, too mean, too blunt?

As a result, there’s a good possibility you’re holding some of yourself back in your business (and who can blame you!? It can be tough out here!)

To be comfortable with being seen by others, we must tolerate the discomfort of being seen by ourselves first. We must learn to see our Inner Gold.

Our Inner Gold is a concept found in Shadow Work. We hide away the shiniest, glowiest parts of ourselves because we can’t claim them… just as we find it difficult to claim our ‘negative’ parts.

Claiming out Inner Gold involves two things:

  1. Acknowledging where we are truly, wonderfully, deeply amazing, unique and special.

  2. Sharing our uniqueness!

Our Inner Gold is our Truth. And the Truth is contagious! So if we want to grow, and grow in an aligned, embodied, intuitive way that’s easeful, we need to tell the TRUTH.

I spend a lot of time with my clients helping them see their Inner Gold, then feeling safe enough to share it via nervous system repatterning and embodiment work.

Because when we understand and embody our natural gifts and open ourselves to be paid simply for being us, business gets so much easier.

Here are some journal prompts to explore your Inner Gold:

👑 How would the person who loves you and knows you the best describe your biggest talent, or the thing that makes you most special?

👑 What is your hidden superpower? Why did you have to hide it?

👑 What is your fatal flaw? (Hot tip: Your fatal flaw is also your hidden gold ✨)

👑 What is the "truth" of what you do in your work? What do you hear people say about it (and you) consistently?

👑 If you could tell the truth and be honest, without fear of being punished or shamed, what would you say?

👑 Picture your Inner Gold. What type of character or archetype would hold that Inner Gold and proudly show it to the world? How can you embody that archetype or character right now?

Your True Self is a gift to the world, and I’m here to help you let her shine ✨
