Three keys to unlock from hustle culture and receive with more ease

What might happen if you allowed yourself to receive the nourishment available to you NOW…

Not when you’ve hit a certain income goal.

Not when your body looks a certain way.

Not when you’ve completed my to-do list.

Not when that project or launch is done.


Because hustle culture says you only get to rest when you’ve earned if (if then).

And I know so many people have big ambitions and goals -- but who don’t want to even so much as flirt with burnout to get there.

Three keys to help you unlock from hustle culture and rewire your system for ease

1️⃣ Increase your capacity for presence on the daily

I often say “My full time job is regulating my nervous system, and I do a little coaching on the side.”

The old paradigm says that success is about having a jam-packed schedule.

But I believe we need leaders who can be present with the hard stuff e.g. challenging emotions and difficult conversations AND be a model of presence with things like ease, flow, creativity and peace.

That’s the kind of leader I trust.

2️⃣ Get to know your nervous system patterns

There’s so much power in befriending your nervous system. Try asking yourself or journaling on these questions:

  • What does fight/flight feel like in my body? What sensations and feelings arise e.g. sweaty palms, churning stomach, frustration, anger, panic.

  • What thoughts tend to arise when I’m in this state? E.g. “I have to do something now!”

  • What tends to trigger this response? E.g. particular social media accounts, checking email, invoices coming in

  • What helps me move out of this response into a state of regulation, presence and connection? E.g. Unfollowing accounts on social media, limiting screen time, having a dedicated day when you pay invoices. 

3️⃣ Take tolerable steps to break the pattern of rushing, forcing and hustle

We want to give our nervous systems disconfirming experiences so that it has evidence that it’s safe to slow down.

We do that super slowly, by taking tolerable steps forward.

A tolerable step is one that’s a) stretchy to our systems but not going to blow us out of our window of tolerance and b) achievable. 

We don’t have to wait until we burnout, get sick or things fall apart to slow down. 

We get to choose NOW to rewire our systems (both in the body and in our businesses) to support us to not just survive but thrive.

I hope they offer some inspiration, guidance and hope that it IS possible to feel deeply nourished in our businesses.

To our collective healing.

