It’s time for a new era of embodied leadership

Wealth Creatrix Mastermind

AN intimate 5-MONTH container for female entrepreneurs READY to grow their business and wealth in resonance with their nervous system


Hey pussy queen,

I see you.

Your mission is epic. Your talent is constantly mirrored back to you by your clients and community. 

You’re starting to understand just how powerful you are and sometimes feel shaken by what’s possible.

And darling, might I say that you’re also so fucking HOT — intelligent, curious, empathetic, kind. People want to be around you. I want to be around you.

And you’re not fucking around anymore. 

You’re not fucking around with self-doubt, playing on the edges, burn-out or under-earning.

You’re done with outsourcing your wisdom to so-called business gurus.

You know there’s so much more available to you:

Not just a wealth of money.

But a wealth of Experience. Space. Play. Rest. Creativity. Nourishment.

You know your body holds the key to sustainable life and business expansion — and you’re ready to trust it in a whole new way.


Our world is undergoing a fundamental shift and we need more embodied leaders like YOU

The systems and structures that got us where we are today don't work anymore. The constant pressure to work harder, do more and be better isn’t the way. 

Can you hear the wake-up call? (I know you can.)

Now is the time to plug back into your innate wisdom.

To learn to listen to your intuition once and for all.

To get out of your head and back into your body. 

To give yourself space to breathe, feel, and create what’s next. 

To reconnect with your deepest wisdom and finally set your authentic voice free. 

To reawaken your sensuality and breathe life back in your being. 

The world will continue to face crisis after crisis as the old paradigms crumble. 

We need a new way; one where we are held by stable structures that allow us to flow and express. 

We need embodied leaders who can hold it all.

There’s massive opportunity available to us now: to expand our capacity to hold more people, more polarity, more money, more nuance, more pleasure, more joy. 


Enter: The Wealth Creatrix Mastermind


5 months of somatics, strategy and sisterhood to support you as you grow your capacity for leadership, wealth and ease


Do you have any idea what’s possible when you’re part of a real, raw sisterhood of powerful women?

We move mountains. 

I know you’re been in spaces where your whole self wasn’t welcome; where there were questionable advice and shaming tactics used. Maybe you’ve had your fingers burnt and don’t feel in full trust. 

That’s why The Wealth Creatrix Masterming is:


There’s full permission to go at your pace.

To be exactly where you are right now.

No need to force, push or hustle.

This is a journey of fully owning your desire for real wealth, your authentic voice, unique leadership style, sensuality, and fullest expression in the world.

We are not fucking around.

We are not wasting time.

We are not outsourcing our magnificence.

We are claiming it NOW.

Imagine 6 months from now and you are:

Taking action in your business from a place of nervous system regulation (instead of survival)

and having the structures in place to support even deeper ease and trust

Not only firmly in thought-leader status but have a message that converts

because you speak from your heart about what makes your work wildly valuable

Looking at money and wealth in a whole new way, with cash to do what you want AND the knowledge that your investments are growing

because as your nervous system capacity increases, so too does your capacity to HOLD more clients, money, investments and team



If you’re a female entrepreneur, coach, founder, healer or practitioner with a desire to ditch the cookie-cutter strategies and lead with heart, embodied wisdom and a regulated nervous system — this is for you.

You’ve been around the online business block enough times to know who you definitely DON’T want to work with and learn from (the strategy-obsessed, cookie-cutter bro marketers aren’t your thing)

  • You have existing offerings that get beautiful results but it’s a little scattergun and you’d love a more structured offer suite to hold your clients powerfully

  • You’ve experienced higher-earnings months but it’s inconsistent (and if you’re honest, a little unnerving to hold more money).

  • You’re less about fancy yacht trips or designer handbags. You desire to actually feel wealthy in your whole body and build a legacy.

  • You’re quietly ambitious but would rather build a lifestyle business that feels amazing to you and your clients, than scale to an arbitrary financial goal


What’s the vibe inside The Wealth Creatrix Mastermind?



We go at the pace of our own bodies, always. We expand our nervous system’s capacity to take bold moves, receive more money, clients, opportunities, attention.


We welcome Spirit to guide the growth of our businesses, learning to trust the nudges we receive and surrender to the mysterious ride of entrepreneurship and leadership.



We celebrate each other and champion each other on a level you’ve probably never experienced before. We heal deep-seated sisterhood wounds that prevent us from speaking up and sharing our full selves.



We practice discovering the strategies that turn us on and feel like a deep yessss in our nervous systems, instead of replying on mind-based strategy or tactics. We sink into pleasure when we’re meeting our growth edges around business and wealth



We do things differently around here. We work with our natural cycles to boost natural waves of productivity and rest. We know there are gifts in each part of the cycle and open up to receive them. We design schedules that honour our needs.


Meet the founder

Somatic Coach. Writer. Wealth Creatrix. Leader in the Pussy Economy.

Hey, I’m Tamsin and I believe the future of business and leadership is nervous-system led.

After 5+ years in online business, I’ve seen time and again that no amount of strategy can out-run a nervous system stuck in survival.

Yet when we’re supported to work with our bodies in business, things like committing to a business model and marketing strategy, hiring team, holding larger sums of money and actually enjoying our success comes way easier.

Working with my nervous system and stepping into the identity of Wealth Creatrix means I’ve been able to scale to 6-figures working less than 20 hours a week and cement my thought-leader status.

I bring my expertise from years working in political communications and journalism, along with somatic coaching to support you to expand your capacity for leadership and wealth — in resonance with your unique body.

In other words: I’m here to help you get regulated and rich.


This is an intimate, high-touch container designed to support you to embody your own version of wealth

Want to see the nitty-gritty of what’s included?

  • We’ll meet at the start of the month for a 2-hour live workshop where we’ll explore each of the curriculum pillars from an embodied and regulated space.

    The curriculum pillars:

    1. Model

    2. Method

    3. Message

    4. Marketing

    5. Money

  • Your pod will have maximum five people inside who you’ll learn from, celebrate and be celebrated by and inspire with your presence.

    My coaching is a blend of somatic and strategy and we’ll go wherever you need support.

    Basically: there’s a tonne of time for you to get coached on whatever is coming up for you around business and wealth-building

  • Your space to get extra coaching and accountability, share your wins and be inspired by what your mastermind sisters are up to. This is gold-dust for the moments when you need a lift or new perspective.

  • Because that’s truly the basis that’s going to help you expand your capacity for inspiration, implemetation and holding it all for the long-term


Here’s what we’ll cover in the Wealth Creatrix Curriculum

(All supported by lots of gorgeous nervous system care so you can expand at a sustainable pace)

A pyramid describing the curriculum for wealth creatrix mastermind. The foundation is model and method, stage two is visibility consisting of message and marketing, followed by money and growth on the top.

Does this feel like the embodied business container you’ve been dreaming of?


Good, because we need more women fully owning their voices, leadership and wealth


So what’s the investment for five months of somatic and strategic support at this level?






We start end of Jan 2023 and if you apply before Winter Solstice on 21 December, you’ll also receive a BONUS, live virtual Embodied Planning Workshop with Tamsin.

Think: nervous system regulation practices, dreaming, visioning and desire mapping, financial planning that actually feels good (and even pleasurable) and lashing of inspiration to start the year in style.

Get your application in asap to access this extra goodie


Shall we pause? Check in with your body, heart and womb. What’s coming up for you right now?

Is there a part of you that’s scared to claim your desire for wealth?

...that people will judge or reject you if you step into the identity of wealth creatrix?

...that it’s simply not possible to grow in a way that puts your nervous system first?

Listen, I hear you. I get it.

For the part of you that wants change, there’s also a beautiful part that really doesn’t (and would rather keep everything the same thank you very much).

All parts of you are welcome here.

The part that wants to splurge on a fancy dress

And the part that really wants a pension and investment portfolio

The part that wants to be super accessible to everyone

And the part that knows your work is worth 10x what you’re currently charging

The part that wants to flow with inspiration and struggles with structure

And the part that craves stability

Well guess what?

Inviting every single part of you along for the ride is how embodied leaders are made




How long is the mastermind?

5 months. We start late January and end June 2023

When are the coaching calls?

Once your pod of five beautiful humans is set, we’ll decide on a day and time that suits us all.

Who is this for?

Coaches, healers, artists, service providers who are ready to serve in a bigger way. Whether you’re fairly new to the game or have been in business for a while (and do NOT want to burn out again)... working with your nervous system is required at every stage of the game

Is there a payment plan?

Sure is. You can pay in instalments of £700 over 5 months. Email about an extended payment plan to make this more spacious for you.

What if I get lost or fall behind?

Babe, that’s simply not possible. Your pod is max 5 humans, and everyone is invited to go at their own pace. This isn’t a race, this is a revolution — and if you’re reading this, you’re meant to be here.

What if I change my mind?

No refunds, but you won’t be asking for one because I’ll always give you my best and show up for you and your beautiful desires.

Got more questions?

Shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you ASAP
